Community Garden
Coolamon Shire Community Garden is a gradually developing garden run by volunteers with support from Coolamon Shire Council. The garden is a friendly and social place. There is always a lot to do at the garden and everyone in the community is welcome to become involved.
The community garden is open to all volunteers and visitors and is located between the Caravan Park and the Day Care Centre.
The community garden is about teamwork and providing a great opportunity for the community to meet and work together to create a great garden to grow fresh produce.
Volunteers can help out in a variety of ways, including:
Planting, watering, weeding, maintaining and harvesting fruit, vegetables and herbs
Helping out with general garden maintenance, including mowing, whipper snipping and keeping the beds and grounds looking neat and tidy
The community garden is a shared space, with volunteers contributing to the development, planting and harvesting of the garden. Everyone is welcome to take a look around the gardens but please respect the hard work of the volunteer gardeners.
In the future, the community garden would like to arrange demonstrations and workshops about gardening techniques and healthy eating.
Community gardens are a great way for residents without their own garden, or those who want to be part of a community gardening project, to get out and use their green thumb.
If you would like to grow your own vegetables, fruits, herbs or flowers, and want to get outdoors and interact with like-minded green thumbs, the community gardens may be for you.
If you would like to become involved please contact:
Community Development Officer - Coolamon Shire Council - 02 6927 2492