Development Applications & Assessment
All development proposals in the Coolamon Shire Local Government Area must be assessed to ensure they comply with relevant planning controls and, according to nature and scale, that they are environmentally and socially sustainable. State, regional and local plans and policies indicate what level of assessment is required.
The development assessment system in New South Wales is set out in Parts 4 and 5 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979. The Act ensures that members of the public can participate in decisions that will shape their community's future.
In New South Wales, if you intend to build, develop or use land, your first step is to go to the local council responsible for that land. The council can tell you about:
the rules for developing the particular site under the council's local environmental plan
the development assessment process and any issues they know might affect development and use of the site.
e Planning and Electronic Application Lodgement
Development Applications on Exhibition
Development Approvals / Consent
e Planning and Electronic Application Lodgement
From the 1st February 2021, all development related applications and post consent certificates must be submitted with Coolamon Shire Council through the NSW Planning Portal. These include:
Development Applications (DA's)
Applications to modify a DA, and
Where Council is nominated to complete the assessment of a Complying Development Certificate, Construction Certificate, Occupation Certificate and Subdivision Certificate or appointed as the Principal Certifier for a development.
Section 68 Local Government Act 1993 Applications
For all other applications that are required to be submitted to CSC, please follow instructions specific to the application type detailed on our website.
How to Submit an application
To submit an application through the NSW Planning Portal, you will need to register and verify your account or if you have already have an account, simply login.
Need help submitting your application?
If you require assistance submitting an application via the Portal, it is recommended that you utilise the Quick Reference Guides created by Service NSW. A variety of topics are available including:
Registering for an Account
Navigating the Portal
Submitting applications and
Providing additional information
Council has developed a number of guides and checklist to assist with the application process. They can be found on the Guides, Checklists & Forms page.
Coolamon Shire Council Staff are also available to assist you on 02 6930 1800.
Development Applications on Exhibition
Applications/Proposals currently on public exhibition can be found on the NSW Planning Portal website. These have been notified and/or advertised in accordance with Council's policies.
Proposed developments that are advertised are also displayed for public viewing at the Council Chambers located at 55 Cowabbie Street, Coolamon.
If you would like to make a submission on a development proposal that has been advertised, you may do so using the Planning Portal or alternatively lodge a submission in writing, within the exhibition period.
Please note, if there are no items listed on the Planning Portal, there are no current applications on Exhibition.
Development Approvals / Consent
Development approvals are considered by Council on a monthly basis. Council is required to make public all development approvals within the Shire. Below if a list of the most recent development approvals. Previous approvals can be found on the Approvals Archive page.
January - November 2024 Development Approvals
In addition to this, the public can use the Application Tracker on the NSW Planning Portal website to look up applications made to Council and the status of those applications.