Integrated Planning & Reporting

The Integrated Planning and Reporting (IP&R) framework recognises that most communities share similar aspirations: a safe, healthy and vibrant place to live, a sustainable environment, a caring and engaged community, opportunities for employment, reliable infrastructure, etc. The difference lies in how each community responds to these needs. That is what shapes the character of individual cities, towns and villages. IP&R also recognises that council plans and policies should not exist in isolation and are connected on many levels. The IP&R framework allows NSW councils to draw their various plans together, to understand how they interact and inform each another, and to get the maximum benefit from their efforts by planning holistically for the future.

’Coolamon Shire 2040’ Community Strategic Plan

Resourcing Strategy

Delivery Program & Operational Plan

Delivery Program Progress Report

Annual Report

End of Term Report

‘Coolamon Shire 2040’ Community Strategic Plan

Most progressive organisations have a clear idea of why they exist and where they are heading. The development of a 'Community Strategic Plan' for the Coolamon Shire has essentially addressed four key questions for the community:

  • Where are we now?

  • Where do we want to be in 10-20 years' time?

  • How will we get there?

  • How will we know we've arrived?

The Community Strategic Plan, 'Coolamon Shire 2040' has been developed with the understanding that it will be delivered as a partnership between Council, state agencies, community groups and individuals, addressing a broad range of issues that are relevant to the whole community and was endorsed by Council on 18 August 2022. 

Following the Local Government Elections in December 2021, the newly elected Council was required to review the Community Strategic Plan. Council engaged consultant to undertake the review commencing in March 2022. The consultation process involved a review of the last community satisfaction survey (IRIS), separate community survey, community drop-in sessions, community workshops, activity sheets for primary and secondary school students, interviews with community leaders, interviews with health and disability services and agencies, a workshop with Councillors and Council’s executive team and a workshop with Council officers.

Download 'Coolamon Shire 2040' Community Strategic Plan

Resourcing Strategy

The NSW State Government's Integrated Planning & Reporting Framework requires councils to develop a Resourcing Strategy in order to achieve the objectives established by the Community Strategic Plan, 'Our Communities 2030'.

The Community Strategic Plan expresses the Coolamon Shire's community aspirations, however, these goals and objectives can not be achieved without sufficient resources of time, money, assets and people.  Some of the strategies identified in the Plan are the responsibility of Council, some are the responsibility of other levels of government and others rely on input from community groups or individuals.  The Resourcing Strategy details how Council will resource the strategies that it is responsible for.

Coolamon Shire Council's Resourcing Strategy consists of three components.

  • Long Term financial planning

  • Asset management planning

  • Workforce planning

1.  Long Term Financial Plan

The Long Term Financial Plan is incorporated into Council's Delivery Program and includes projected income and expenditure, balance sheet and cash flow statements

The Plan reflects Council's desire and capacity to deliver the Objectives, Strategies, Actions and Activities identified in 'Our Communities 2030' and the Delivery Program.

2.  Asset Management Planning

The Integrated Planning and Reporting Frameworks requires that the Asset Management Strategy be underpinned by an Asset Management Policy and Asset Management Plans that identify all assets under Council's ownership.

Council has a significant portfolio of community infrastructure assets under its care and control. Council must account for and plan for all existing assets and any new assets proposed in 'Our Communities 2030' and Delivery Program.

3.  Workforce Strategy

The Workforce Strategy addresses the human resourcing requirements of Council's Delivery Program. 

It ensures Council has the people best able to achieve its strategic direction and deliver appropriate services effectively and efficiently.

Delivery Program & Operational Plan

The Delivery Program sets the direction of Council for the next four years so that the community's needs and expectations are met in a planned, co-ordinated and cost effective manner.

The Delivery Program 2024/2028 & Operational Plan 2024/2025 is prepared in accordance with the Act, and includes the following:

  • A listing of the actions and activities to be undertaken by the Council, together with the performance measures for each activity.

  • A proposed rating structure for the year 2024/2025 to be effective as from 1 July, 2024.

  • A full listing of all fees and charges to be charged by Council for the 2024/2025 year.

  • A detailed statement of the proposed Estimates of Income and Expenditure for the 2024/2025 year, together with a statement of the proposed budgets for the years 2025/2026 to 2027/2028.

Coolamon Shire Council also presents it's 10 year Long Term Financial Plan as part of it's Delivery Program & Operational Plan documents.

2024/2028 Delivery Program & 2024/2025 Operational Plan - Book 1

2024/2028 Delivery Program & 2024/2025 Operational Plan - Book 2 - Fees & Charges

2024/2028 Delivery Program & 2024/2025 Operational Plan - Book 3 - Detailed Budget

Annual Report

The Annual Report is one of the key points of accountability between a council and its community. It is not a report to the Office of Local Government or the NSW Government, it is a report to the community. The Annual Report focuses on Council’s implementation of the Delivery Program and Operational Plan because these are the plans that are wholly the Council’s responsibility.

Please click the links below to access the latest Annual Reports. The documents contain links that will take you to the other parts of the report where referenced.

End of term report

Under the NSW Government’s Integrated Planning and Reporting Legislation for Local Government, Council is required to produce a report on its progress in implementing the Community Strategic Plan during its term. This report was presented at the final Council meeting of the outgoing Council.

You can download a copy of the End of Term Report 2021-2025.

Previous End of Term Reports

2016-2021 End of Term Report

2012-2016 End of Term Report