Coolamon Shire Settlement Strategy
The Settlement Strategy provides a clear direction for long term growth and development within the Coolamon LGA.
The strategy is delivered through five parts:
A review of the strategic planning context
The development of guiding themes and principles
A demographic analysis
An analysis of current settlements
Recommendations and implementation.
A copy of the Coolamon Shire Settlement Strategy can be access here: Coolamon Shire Settlement Strategy
Local Strategic Planning Statement
The Coolamon Shire Local Strategic Planning Statement (LSPS) is about the future of our whole community. It sets out the 20-year vision for land use planning in the Coolamon Shire, outlining how growth and change will be managed to maintain the high levels of environmental amenity, livability and landscape quality that characterises the Coolamon Shire. It identifies the special characteristics that contribute to the local identity of the towns and villages within the Shire and recognises the shared community values to be maintained and enhanced.
This Statement identifies 10 Planning Priorities to achieve the Council’s vision for the Shire, along with actions and the means for monitoring and reporting on the delivery of these actions.
The Statement is consistent with the NSW Government’s strategies and directions for land use planning contained in the Riverina Murray Regional Plan 2036, released by the NSW Department of Planning and Environment in 2017 and is aligned with Council’s Community Strategic Plan.
A copy of the Statement can be accessed here: Local Strategic Planning Statement
Local Environmental Plan (LEP)
Following Council's decision in 2002 to update its Local Environment Plan, the Coolamon Local Environmental Plan 2011 was gazetted on 18 February 2011 and became operative on 25 February 2011.
The Coolamon Local Environmental Plan 2011 is a legal instrument that imposes standards to control development and outlines the various developments that are permitted or prohibited within the Coolamon Local Government Area. A copy of the plan can be found at the NSW Legislation website - Coolamon Local Environmental Plan 2011.
The maps below accompany the plan.
Development Control Plan (DCP)
Development Control Plan 2015, Amended 2023
A Development Control Plan (DCP) is a source of information covering issues of legislative, administrative and technical aspects of development.
The DCP supplements the provisions of the Coolamon Shire Local Environment Plan 2011 by providing additional detail. The DCP should be read in conjunction with the LEP.
Council Officers are available to discuss the Development Control Plan, including details on how the Plan may affect your land or a proposed development. Enquiries and appointments can be made by contacting Council on 02 6930 1800
Contributions Plan
The Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (EP&A Act) authorises a Consent Authority to grant consent to a proposed development subject to a condition requiring the applicant to dedicate land free of cost and / or make a monetary contribution to the Council. Such a condition can only be imposed if that development will or is likely to require the provision of, or increase the demand for, Local Infrastructure.
Contributions of land or money required by a condition imposed under section 7.11 are to be applied towards the provision, extension or augmentation of Local Infrastructure (or towards recouping the cost of their provision, extension or augmentation).
This plan authorises the Council or an accredited certifier to impose conditions requiring contributions on development consents or complying development certificates for the following types of development:
Residential development in Coolamon town, including subdivision, that increases the demand for Local Infrastructure in Coolamon town
Heavy Haulage Developments that will have significant impacts on rural roads.
The plan has been prepared in accordance with the EP&A Act and Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000 (EP&A Regulation); and having regard to the latest Practice Notes issued by the NSW Department of Planning and Environment.
The plan includes the following:
A schedule showing the development types that are subject to contributions, and the respective contribution rates
Location maps of the Local Infrastructure items supported by a works schedule setting out an estimate of their cost and staging
The relationship between the expected development in the Coolamon Shire and the Local Infrastructure included in this plan
The administrative and accounting arrangements applying to levies that are required by and collected under this plan.
For further information on the plan including contribution rates please see attached link